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Main Information
Terms: These terms of service govern your access to the Neparth website and all other services offered by ("Neparth", "We" or "Us").
Punishments: A cancellation or closure of your account will result in immediate inability to use any of the services offered, including the Neparth website and all products associated with your account.
Account Safety: To ensure fairness, you'll retain full viewing access to your account post-ban, but all editing and interactive features will be disabled.
Resell: You may not resell any services or content offered by Neparth.
Payment Information
Renewals: Every service is billed individually, unless cancelled, for another selected length upon order at the end of the period.
Chargeback: Any kind of unagreed or forced chargeback will result in an account closure.
Refunds: You can request refund on every purchase within 72 hours after payment. If the service's cost has already been paid on our end we can't refund.
Billing: All payments behalf of Neparth are handled by Stripe. Your registration details may be passed to Stripe that provides payment processing services, in order for Stripe to better protect service and end-users from unauthorized payments.
Security Information
Fraud: We reserve the right to proactively close any accounts that show behavior linked to or associated with fraud.
Tor: Running a Tor exit node or an open proxy is not allowed and will get your account closed.
Activities: If any hacking, flooding, port scanning, phishing, spamming, or illegal activity is found we reserve the right to close your account.
User Responsibilities
Password: We will never ask for your account password. Keep it safe and do not share your password with anyone.
Age: If you are under the age of majority in your country you may only purchase any of the services or goods offered by Neparth with the involvement of your parent or guardian. Make sure you review these Terms with your parent or guardian so that you both understand all of your rights and responsibilities.
Location: When making a purchase from Neparth you certify that you are, at the time of the purchase, located in your IP Address country.
Legal Information
Responsibility: We take no responsibility or liability for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by the usage of any of the services offered.
Updates: The terms and conditions may be updated at any time so please ensure that you review it regularly as you will accept any variations if you continue to use any of the services offered by Neparth.
Service: We always try to deliver the best service possible but we cannot guarantee that the services offered are always available and/or working as intended.
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